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CLCA/ACCL Call for Board Nominations

  • 15 Oct 2017
  • 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM

Dear CLCA/ACCL members:

Our mission at the Canadian Lactation Consultant Association/Association canadienne des consultants en lactation (CLCA/ACCL) is to support and advocate with Canadian Lactation Consultants.  We envision a culture in which breastfeeding is acknowledged, promoted, supported and protected.  The CLCA/ACCL plays an active role in establishing a breastfeeding culture through support of our members.

The Board of Directors of the CLCA/ACCL consists of the President, Past-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Directors.

There are five Board of Director positions to be elected this year. The following Board positions are to be filled for a two year term starting in 2018 (2018-2019):

1.       President 
2.       Secretary 
3.       Treasurer 
4.       Communications Director 
5.       Chapter Director 

We are looking for board members who believe in our mission and are willing to be active in their governance roles. We believe that this work has never been more important than it is today. We are looking for people whose experience and involvement in our community would be an asset to our organization, and we hope that you will consider becoming a nominee.

QUALIFICATIONS: Each Director must be a member of the Corporation in good standing for the last two (2) consecutive years and an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. If a candidate has not been a member of CLCA for two consecutive years, previous board experience and qualifications will be considered.

TERM: Directors shall be elected for a term of two (2) years by the voting members at an annual meeting of the members. A maximum of two (2) consecutive terms is allowed in one position, and a maximum of six (6) consecutive years on the board. A Director is allowed to stay in his/her position until a replacement has been found. Terms run the calendar year; start January 1 and expire December 31.

REMUNERATION: Board of Director positions are volunteer. All Directors shall serve without compensation but will be reimbursed for authorized expenses.

To submit a self nomination, please complete the CLCA/ACCL Board of Director Nomination form by October 15, 2017. CLCA Board will review the candidates to ensure each are qualified and identify the most suitable candidate for each position.  At the AGM on October 25, members will vote to approve the Board positions.

The CLCA 2017 AGM will be held electronically on Wednesday, October 25 at 16:00 PST/19:00 EST – please save the date! Further details and instructions will be emailed to all members.


Warm regards,

The CLCA Board of Directors.

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