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clca history


 2025 - CLCA creates and begins implementing a Communication Plan to further its vision of supporting and advocating for Canadian IBCLCs using feedback from the Needs Assessment Survey and input from BOD members.

2024 - CLCA has an active six person volunteer Board of Directors. The organization conducts a Member Needs Assessment Survey.

2020-2024 CLCA is reorganized and revitalized through self-management and tremendous work by the volunteer Board of Directors.  CLCA recovers from financial issues throughout the Covid 19 pandemic, and is able to continue supporting members and be ready to continue to promote and highlight the importance of IBCLCs across Canada!

2020 - Board of Directors ends contract with Management company after heavy losses at 2019 conference.  

2019 - CLCA National conference in Vancouver, BC. 

2017 - CLCA Board of Directors hires Association Management Company 

2015 - National conference is held in Niagara Falls, ON. 

2014 - ILCA and CLCA/ACCL end affiliate agreement and a new era begins for both organizations. 

2013 - National Conference in Moncton, NB. 

2011 - National Conference in Vancouver, BC. 

2007 - AGM in Calgary, the first Annual CLCA/ACCL Breastfeeding Achievement Award is given to Jennifer Peddlesden and Jennifer Reed. CLCA/ACCl become the second national affiliate of ILCA. 

2006 - CLCA/ACCL celebrates its 20th Anniversary! The BOD meets in Montreal for a three day working meeting. CLCA/ACCL's first President, Joan Fisher is present and shares memories of the beginnings of the organization. 

2001 - Independent Study Modules for CERP's developed and available for members and non-members. 

1998 - The membership grows to 430 members across Canada, from Newfoundland to the Yukon. CLCA/ACCL becomes a sitting member for the Breastfeeding Committee for Canada. 

1994 - The first face-to-face Board of Directors meeting is held. 

1991 - The organization incorporates under the name of Canadian Lactation Consultant Association/Association canadienne des consultantes en lactation (CLCA/ACCL). The membership fee is $10.

1986 - First meeting of the Canadian chapter of ILCA (International Lactation Consultant Association) meets at the La Leche League conference in Ottawa with 28 people in attendance. 

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