CLCA/ACCL supports and advocates for Canadian Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs).
our vision:
CLCA/ACCL envisions a culture in which breastfeeding/chestfeeding is acknowledged, promoted, supported and protected.
our goal:
The CLCA/ACCL will play an active role in establishing a breastfeeding culture through support of our members.
OUR purpose:
To advocate for the role of the International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) in Canada.
To encourage International Board of Lactation Consultants Examiner (IBCLE) certification for lactation consultants.
To encourage education and research in lactation.
To facilitate communication and networking among it's members.
To support, in Canada, the implementation of the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes as interpreted by the World Health Assembly
To make representations and serve as a an advisory board to relevant authorities on issues of concern to our members.